This is incredible, Iโ€™ve the same limited exposure to war games as you, but love the history and the idea (also played WH40K as a kid). Will be all over this when itโ€™s ready ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

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Yeah so glad to hear. It's getting pretty close to a (very rough) draft. So I may be sharing it soon.

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Neat! And I will watch this with enthusiasm and delight as you make it real!

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Thanks for the encouragement. For me I like to make games that I find fun, and I'm having a lot of fun playing this at the moment.

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Can I check out your current draft?

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Soon I hope. Maybe a month or so. Still working through some fundamental aspects. It isn't really a 'game' yet if that makes sense. However, you can check out my one-page RPG i'll release soon called Draw! which has similar mechanics.

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This looks really exciting

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I think so. Lotโ€™s of development in the future but so far the bones seem good.

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Honestly cannot wait for you to get this further along!

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You'll be able to see some of this in action for my one page RPG submission, Draw! Which is using many of the mechanics from Shot and Spell.

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Heck yeah!

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This game looks fun! A โ€œminiatures agnosticโ€ game that can take solo skirmish games to the next!

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Iโ€™ve been play testing what I got so far and I can tell you it is fun! Simple war gaming on 1 piece of paper.

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For me, the epitome of solo narrative wargaming is anything by Two Hour Wargames. their stuff doesn't require terrain or miniatures, but allows for it as an optional extra.

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Yeah have heard of them and I'll need to check them out in a bit more detail.

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Here's a link to their free intro game if you or anybody else is interested.


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